That is what god is telling us very often.
We keep holding on to many things,
people, experiences, memories, animals,...
but if we have too many things that we are holding on to,
if we don't have empty hands,
we cannot receive anything.
We are blocked, our hands are already occupied.
Put away that heavy stuff,
leave these old boxes on the shelf.
You don't need to carry these things around with you anymore.
There was a time you had to learn.
But that time is over, now you need to learn a different lesson.
Let go of that old stuff.
You don't need it!
Put it away!
Throw it out!
Make some space!
Breathe some fresh, new air!
Open the door, or at least a window.
Open your eyes
and you can see the wonders of the earth!
Time to Rise Up and Shine!